Sunday, July 16, 2023

Alive and Content

Hello world. i am still alive at  32 years old after nearly dyingfrom pneumonia october 2022. I am thankful my wonderful sister flew over to see me in ice and seeing her revived my hope that i will get better and that her bossiness would get me out of hospital. thankful to queen elizabeth hospital staff for keeping me alive even though i was not the easiest patient and probably the younger and handsomer of the patients they usually see

i also live away from mum and dad in nearly my own place which has been a long battle to get the funding and help i needed but finally finding my feet after moving many times in a few months. i look forward to have my own place and have it truly my home. in the meantime i am glad to be heard and be able to decorate my room and have my things in mikes house. thanks mia for my new star wars poster and my cute talented niece moriah for building my star wars lego set.

i think it will be happier days ahead. good to have a good team of staff around me and know that i am loved by my family near and far. new goals to get into running competitions. and diving into some volunteering with meals on wheels good to contribute to society instead of just making everything just about me. i think it would be nice to help other people practically not always through the glitzy limelight of the stage in advocacy but also just acts of service in the everi have learnt to be content in being alive and healthy and loved and not get my worth and drive to live through my eloquence of typing freely as wonderful it is when it happens finally when mia is here next to me. life goes on and i can survive and thrive even without typing my thoughts exactly as i think them. glad people know i can and want to learn how to help me type and i just need to be patient with the process

thanks for reading whoever you are. hope this blog post will encourage you today.

[Typing time: 35mins]

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh! Good to see you are doing well - or at least, you were in July 2003. We have emailed you - hope to get back in contact!
